Gardening, holistic health and aromatherapy tips to live your best life supporting mind, body and spirit (for animals too!)

Mind and Body in sync
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Expanding our connections
Are you ready to start a garden?
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then explore plants to grow in

Care for your animals safely
Learn about healing options through my example with
or explore the safety of essential oils in
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I would love to help you find the right way to work with aromatic plants in your life. This could be through starting a garden, adding more herbs to your cooking and self care or even exploring different options with esssential oils.
This website is for educational purposes only. The information discussed on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. Aromatherapists and herbalists are not regulated in the United States and do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat disease. You are encouraged to seek advice from a licensed medical practitioner regarding medical issues before seeking advice from an aromatherapist or herbalist.

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