Tips for Planning a Successful Edible Landscape

Tips for Planning a Successful Edible Landscape

Tired of wasting water on your lawn? Now is a great time to plan an edible landscape. Take the time in the next month to plan how to use your landscape in order to have the best outcome possible. Edible landscapes can be a lot of work in the beginning, but they are...
How to Successfully Grow Calendula

How to Successfully Grow Calendula

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) also known as pot marigold is a versatile flower that is easy to grow. Calendula has been used as an edible flower as well as for medicine for centuries. If you want to grow a plant that provides beauty to the garden but can easily...

How to Plant a Rain Garden & Clean our Water

As the climate keeps changing, we must be prepared for different types of weather. We need to adapt our landscape to support the surface areas around us. One way to help is by planning a rain garden.  What is a rain garden?  A rain garden is a shallow...
20 Unique Gift Guide for the Garden Lover

20 Unique Gift Guide for the Garden Lover

Do you have a gardener in your life that you are trying to find a unique gift for? As a fellow garden lover I have combed through many sites when I need new items. I wanted to put together a list of some items that are useful and fun. A cold frame can help extend a...