Recently, I was interviewed on the Becoming Parents podcast. One of the interesting things about the podcast itself is how the role of parenting has influenced many of the guest’s journey in business also. But the other thing that I started thinking about was the idea of niches.

For anyone that has taken a journey to explore entrepreneurship, has been told you have to have a niche. What is a niche? By definition a niche is “a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.

How do you define yourself?

One of my business struggles has always been defining a niche. How do you put plants into a convenient box? Especially when plants are such a huge part of our everyday life even if we don’t realize it. As I listened to my podcast interview I realized I can’t define a niche because nothing in life can be put into a neat small category. My parenting journey is a perfect example of that.

Nothing that I have done in life fits into a specialized segment. Sure, the journey of giving my first child up for adoption is a specialized segment, but it is a small part of my whole story. Which is the same with my journey through the court system after my divorce from my second child’s dad. I am an advocate for supporting people that are in domestic violence situations, but again a small part of the whole.

When I look at my passion for Mother Nature and how that has grown throughout my life each motherhood experience has expanded my interest. When I was young, I loved just sitting outside and spreading the marigold seeds so that the beds would be packed full. With each child and life experience my knowledge of the reciprocity between plants and humans has grown.

As I share in the interview I really began learning about the power of plants when my older son was young. We need to slow down and get in touch with plants again. With my businesses, I want to help people embrace this magical thing we have right outside our door. The power of planting a seed is just as amazing as having a child. What part of the journey are you looking to take?

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