In April 2020 I was invited to speak in a Facebook Group – Healthy Lifestyle Consumer Reviews about support for our animals. I chose the topic “Supporting The Animals That Support Us.”

Support Animal
Relaxing on the porch

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The pandemic has had us all facing many questions that are unanswerable. Because it is so new we don’t know how this will impact our future health and we have known even less about the impact on our animals.

Support Animals

I originally started thinking about this when I saw a news story of a nurse having a support dog in a hospital. I started wondering is that safe? But I was also wondering about how do we support these animals.  They selflessly provide us with so much love and support and I worry that they are not getting the support they need.

Fortunately animals do not seem to be overly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2. There have been only a few animal that have tested positive. As long as we are washing our hands we can still love and cuddle our animals as much as we need.

At Home

I have felt a concern for animals with us at home more. Are you burning a candle or using a diffuser all the time? As much as you may enjoy this it isn’t safe for animals. Animals sense of smell can be at least 40 times greater than ours. Make sure you are providing them fresh fragrance free air.

The rule for any diffusing is intermittent. Diffuse for 30 minutes and then take a break for 30 minutes. You could also consider using a personal inhaler, aromatherapy jewelry or an AromaStone that would emit a low level of essential oils.

Supporting our Animals

As we move through new phases in our life there are things that we can do to support our pets. For many homes animals have gotten use to having a human around all the time. Are you going to have to start working outside your home again? Knowing this remember that you pet may experience separation anxiety.

Consider helping your animal adjust to being alone again, start taking short trips away from home. Some botanicals that you can consider using would be hydrosols and flower essences for emotional support. One blend that I have used often is the Bach Rescue Remedy for pets. This flower essence is beneficial for supporting animals with fear and anxiety. Another step is leaving on music or TV for them.

I hope you are all doing well and that this can help you and your animal friends stay safe and comforted.

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