Typing “is it safe to ingest essential oils” into google will get you over 700K responses.

safety of essential oils

Ingestion is one of the hottest topics in the aromatherapy world. Ask this question in a FB group and you will get a wide range of answers. You will likely be surprised by how strongly people feel about this on either side of the debate.

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Since 2018 I have been an admin for the Facebook group related to the book The Unspoken Truth of Essential Oils. During this time, members have shared memes from all over the web. They have also shared personal stories both positive and negative regarding ingestion.

Why ingest essential oils?

Why do people suggest you drink your essential oils? It seems the most common suggestion is for flavor. “Put a drop or two of lemon in your water so it tastes good.” If you are doing this to flavor your water, oils and water will not mix! This means you are consuming a potent substance with no protection for your delicate mucous membranes (esophagus, stomach, intestines, etc.)

You may not experience any symptoms initially, but over time problems will arise. Think about how you feel after eating a hot pepper. Generally, you feel a burn in your throat possibly your belly and even once we evacuate it at the other end. Ingesting essential oils will create a similar situation, but with a much more potent substance.

Essential oils are a complex make up of various chemical constituents. The one thing they will not provide you is a nutritional benefit. Lemon (Citrus x limon) essential oil contains constituents such as limonene, different pinene’s and geranial to name a few. The essential oil does provide a lot of health benefits when used properly, but not nutrition. 

If you are looking for true nutritional benefits you need to have the actual fruit. The fruit contains 31 mg of vitamin C which provides a myriad of benefits. The actual fruit also contains fiber. Essential oils will not contain these vitamins or minerals. 

Proper training

In the United States essential oils are an unregulated field. For the most part essential oils are regulated as a cosmetic. However, if an essential oil is marketed as a supplement it will have a -generally regarded as safe (GRAS)- designation. It is important to know that this is the exact same product.

In the United States there are a few aromatherapy schools that will teach ingestion. The programs will be designated as an Aroma Medicine program. For anyone properly trained we view ingesting essential oils as medicine. I will never tell you it is safe to casually put a drop in a drink or food recipe.

If you speak to someone involved with a direct sales/multi-level marketing company it seems the consensus is that it is safe to ingest your oils. My advice to you would be make sure you ask more questions.

  • Why are they giving you this advice?
  • Are you sick?
  • Have they been through training to provide proper instructions? 

The hard question especially if they are a friend, are they trying to make an additional sale.

Final Thoughts

This has been a topic that has been going on for years. I am sure it will continue for years to come as well. Consider reading this article for an additional perspective (https://ologyessentials.com/fact-or-fiction-drinking-essentials-oils-is-perfectly-safe/ February 2018)

Personally, I drink a lot of tea and eat a wide variety of garden grown herbs to keep myself healthy. I see no reason to ingest essential oils.

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