Today most perfumers use fragrance oils instead of essential oils to create the perfume. Some of this is due to the expense of essential oils, but fragrance oils also tend to have phthalates added which extends the scent life.

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Great news though, you can easily make your own perfumes that are made with quality ingredients that will be good for you.

You may be wondering why to avoid fragrance oils. The chemicals added can cause, headaches, nausea, and throat irritation just to name a few concerns. The fragrance in home blends is usually lighter so you won’t bother others, and it’s just better for you.

To get started the most efficient way to make and use your own perfume is with a roller ball applicator.

Roller Ball Perfume

The easiest way to make perfume is to use a roller ball such as the one below. You don’t need much to make it. It is best to use a dark amber or blue roller bottle. Next pick out the essential oil of choice, and some no-scent carrier oil. Some good choices for the carrier oil are jojoba oil, almond oil, or fractionated coconut oil. You can learn more about different carrier oils and their benefits in this article.

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Most roller ball bottles are 10 mls, which makes it easy to determine your dilution. Two drops will give you a 1% dilution approximately and would increase from there. For a perfume It is best to stay around 1-2% (4 or 5 drops) but depending on the essential oil up to 5% can be safe. If you plan to use more than one essential oil mix them together first before adding to the carrier oil to make sure you have the right fragrance. Now you can fill the rest of the bottle with the carrier oil you chose. Pop the roller top on and you are ready to use your custom fragrance.

You can learn more about dilution of essential oils and why it is important in this article.

Image of essential oil bottles

Make Small Batches

It is best to make small batches due to the shelf life of essential oils. Many essential oils break down quickly, especially once they’ve been put into a carrier oil. You also will want to test the blend for a while to ensure you like it. Making smaller amounts and then using them up before making more is the best way to ensure quality and enjoyment.

Health benefits

Perfume making with essential oils is a great way to smell good, but there can be other added benefits. As I explored in my article on carrier oils, I feel like the term carrier minimizes the benefit of the plant-based oils, butters and waxes. They are full of healing benefits all on their own. They include a variety of vitamins and minerals which you will not find in essential oils. Plus, essential oils have been shown to support the body with different issues. Take some time to review your own health and then look into some carriers and essential oils that may support you.

A few essential oils to consider would be:

  • Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) anti-anxiety, antidepressant, calming
  • Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) anti-anxiety, antidepressant, uplifting
  • Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) antidepressant, immune supportive

Have fun and experiment

I don’t recommend going out and buying a lot of ingredients. Spend a little time researching different carrier oils and essential oils. Explore the various healing properties to determine what will be most supportive to you and your wellness. You want to make sure the fragrance you pick is pleasant, so make sure you smell each thing before adding it.

Making your own perfume with essential oils is not just fun, but it can also be beneficial to your health. Consider grabbing a copy of my essential oil journal to keep notes about the ideas you are exploring. By creating your own blends not only will you smell good but you’ll be healthier too.

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