Animal Reiki

Using energy to heal the animals in your life

By Elizabeth Fulton & Kathleeen Prasad

Ulysses Press 2006

Animal Reiki

I have always had an interest in our bodies ability to heal itself. Many times, we hear about the power of meditation. I know a few people that are Reiki practitioners, but really didn’t understand it completely. While search for various animal books I came across this one and was intrigued so I added it to my collection.

The authors of this book take you on a journey. First, they introduce us to Reiki. This unique healing energy that doesn’t require any special equipment or the need to touch the client. If you are unfamiliar with Reiki, the term translates to “universal life energy”. It embraces the concept that the universe transmits healing energy.

Reiki is accessible and can be learned by anyone. Like meditation you need to learn to quiet your mind and sense the energy that is around you. It requires practice and should be done daily. One of the things that I like about Reiki is that it can not be used to harm.

The authors do provide a detailed description of how to use healing with animals. There is a detailed description of how to perform a treatment on specific animals. It is important to recognize that in Reiki you do not have to touch the animal.

An aspect of this book that I enjoyed was the stories that the authors shared of the personal experiences. Both authors do work at shelters and some of the stories include: “Reiki Calms the ‘Uncalmable’”, which talks about helping a deaf Dalmatian. Or the story of “Rose’s Reiki Miracle” about a cat that was spared from being euthanized and reunited with her owner.

Working at a rescue farm this book inspired me to seek out an instructor so that I could be trained. Interested in more about Reiki book a consultation. If you are interested in healing energy and animals I highly recommend this book.

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